Traditionally, holidays are a time of travel for families, and Labor Day Weekend is no exception. This holiday is observed on the first Monday in September as the annual celebration of the conclusion of the summer season. These celebrations often involve alcohol consumption, which contributes to the highest fatality rate for motor vehicle crashes. That said, drivers must abide by the rules of the road and refrain from getting behind the wheel while intoxicated. Those who fail to engage in safe driving practices can be held liable for any suffering they cause. Please continue reading to learn what you should do after a Labor Day drunk driving accident and how a trusted Birmingham Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer can help you fight for the justice you deserve. 

What Should I Do If I’m Hurt in a Labor Day Drunk Driving Accident?

Following a drunk driving accident, it’s imperative to take the necessary steps to ensure your well-being and safeguard your legal rights. The first step you should take is to contact emergency services. Even if you believe your injuries are minor, a medical professional must examine and treat you. It’s important to note that some injuires are not immediately evident or have delayed symptoms. While the police will draft an official report outlining the details of the crash, if you are physically capable, gathering as much evidence as possible on your own is beneficial. This can include photographs, videos, witnesses, information, etc. Nevertheless, one of the most important steps is to retain the legal services of an experienced Birmingham drunk driving accident lawyer, who can help you fight for the funds you are entitled to.

Can I Hold the Party Host Liable?

Generally, Alabama law doesn’t hold social hosts liable for serving adults of legal drinking age. However, they will impose civil damages liability on hosts who provide alcohol to underage drinkers or who allow underage drinkers to consume alcohol on their property. This means if you furnish alcohol to a minor, you can be liable for dram shop damages if they cause injury or death.

What is a Dram Shop Law?

Under certain circumstances, establishments and vendors can be liable for drunk driving accidents. Many states have Dram Shop laws that hold business owners liable if they knowingly serve alcohol to an individual who is visibly intoxicated and that individual causes an injury. Alabama Dram Shop law applies to any person who sells or furnishes alcohol in violation of Alabama law.

At Alabama Personal Injury Lawyers, LLC, we are prepared to help you fight for your rights regarding any potential claims you may have. If you have been injured in a drunk driving accident, please don’t hesitate to contact our dedicated legal team today to discuss your case.